How to Escape from a Lousy Health Savings Account
© Copyright 2018 Morningstar
In this August 13, 2018 article, Christine Benz with Morningstar discusses this complex issue a lot of clients face
Like it or not, there's a good chance that a high-deductible healthcare plan, along with a health savings account, will be coming your way during benefits open enrollment this year.
Sixty-five percent of large employers now offer a high-deductible healthcare plan alongside a traditional healthcare plan like a preferred provider organization, according to data from the Society for Human Resource Management.
Important Numbers for 2024​
There are lots of important numbers that advisors need to keep in mind. In some cases, those numbers are annual limits that change each year. Other times, the figures do not often change, but are used frequently. Given the variety of sources that report relevant numbers, it can be difficult to quickly find the right reference during a client meeting.
In response to this challenge, we’ve created the two-page “Important Numbers” summary guide. This quick reference guide covers the most important annual limits as well as figures that are commonly referred to during the year. It includes:
Tax rates for MFJ, Single, and Estates/Trusts
AMT annual limits
LTCG rates for MFJ, Single, and Estates/Trusts
Standard deductions for MFJ and Single
Social Security annual limits (including earning limits)
Full Retirement Age chart
Social Security taxation summary for MFJ and Single
IRMAA surcharges
Retirement plan annual limits
Traditional and Roth IRA annual limits
Education tax credits
Uniform Lifetime Table (abbreviated version)
Single Lifetime Table (abbreviated version)
Estate and gift tax annual limits
HSA annual limits